Saturday, January 30, 2010

Time marches on

...I don't know why or how, but it always does.
Every event in your life will soon be in the past, good and bad.

But I hate this part.

Our friend is gone, buried, and now everyone has to just...go on.
Back to work, back to class.
Find a new normal.
And that's hard.

I was talking with a friend last night and she reminded me how much we really need mental health awareness programs. How we get ourselves so wrapped up in everyday life. And what're among the first things to get put on the back burner?

Faith, relaxation, reflection.

People who are missing Jesus in their everyday life
may be happy, but not elated.
Fulfilled, but not captivated.
Have joyful lives, but not eternal bliss.

It's not always easy to see the difference, but it is there.

Shall we change this hectic lifestyle? Stop putting the better things on the back burner?


And we have to start now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fly Away

So many emotions, all in one.

Why has this come again?
Why has a cold, dark hand reached up to smite those who are good?
Sinners, yes, but in the end, good.

Some very small part of me wants to hate you,
But I just can't. Not one bit.
All I have for you is grace and forgiveness.
Empathy for you pain, sadness for our loss...and lots of forgiveness.
As I can only imagine this is how Jesus sees it as well.

May you fly away to somewhere the rest of us can only imagine.

You have a precious, gorgeous child.
I don't understand how you could leave her, but I know you love her very much.
And you always, always will.

She knows you are with her, stay with her. Comfort her. Watch her grow. She needs you.

Have fun with all of our lost up there, we love and miss you all terribly.
...but we know a new day will come for all of us someday.

And Lord, keep our fists ready for battle against the Evil One.
We are a body, and we must not lose any more.
We will help each other up when we fall.
...we have to. HAVE TO.

Rest in peace, Scotty.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Keep holding on

Because you know we'll make it through.

There's no other way when it comes to the truth.

Keep holding on...

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's strange

God works in such weird ways.

Who'da thunk getting stranded in a random Super 8 due to thick fog would end with a meeting that will change our entire worship experience at Wartburg?

We all threw our hats in,
Let's draw up a plan.

So random. And yet so needed.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Love. Period.

Jesus Joy is the best.

Lately, I have had some really enlightening conversations with people.
They made me think.

Why do we wait for the world to validate who we are, when we should be turning to God?

Why are we so quick to respond to anything containing the word "alcohol" or "sex", but when someone quotes the Bible, we stumble & stutter?

What is it like to not be a Christian? So many "Christians" are the type that go to church only on holidays and claims to believe...with no action. No convictions.

Wake up, world!
I promise, there is joy waiting just for you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


"Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance.
I just wanna praise you...I just wanna praise you!"

Stop this battle.
Heal our salted wounds from the chains and ropes that cut and tear.
Alas, you never fail.

I'm taking off all those chains because You broke them, destroyed them.
All that baggage we carry...gone.

I just wanna praise You!

Monday, January 11, 2010

My soul whispers

that there is a child waiting somewhere in the world to call me "Momma".

Genetics have little importance.

She will come.
He will come.

Africa has always been alluring. Every flicker of light in me finds it fascinating. Reaching. Drawing. Calling. I must explore it. Soon.

Hang on, Momma's coming.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


is such a safe place.

Here we explore, we create, make new.
All is well.

But what will happen when we venture away?
When we graduate, join the daily grind?

Yes friends, the Wartburg Bubble does exist.

But is there a way to carry adventure into adulthood?

I've been thinking more & more about doing missions work. Not for a living, just for a few years after school & whenever I am able to in my life.

I find it difficult that I must live & work in the same place for years upon years.

...but maybe I don't have to.

Let your hair down. Take off your shoes. Explore. It's okay to jump between careers, places of living, and interests in life. Let your hair down.

Carry the spirit of childhood with you in that way.

Let go.
Let go.
Let go.
Let God.