Sunday, February 21, 2010

C'mon, spring...

I want to go running!

I love the feel of my heart pounding in my chest,
Hair whipping around in the warm spring air,
Sand in my shoes 'cause I stop to dance in the river,
The sweat washing off in its cool luster.

And of course, it's great for the cardiovascular system, bones, and muscles.

Yee :)

More & More

I'm learning that worrying gets me nowhere.
Especially when it's about myself.
And lately, I'm becoming less tolerant of those who care about little but themselves.

"Love is...not self-seeking."- 1 Corinthians

When you are long gone and your bones have turned to dust, people will remember what you did for others, not what you sought for yourself.

You don't need a special occasion.
If you see someone needs help carrying books or washing dishes, you have an able body, do you not? Does care need an occasion?

Turn your thoughts to yourself, you have a whole lot of anxiety.
Turn your worries to others, yeah, you still get anxiety...but you also get productivity.
You get helping hands.
You get hope.
And you'll kiss many boo-boo's and give out a lot more Band-aids.
Most importantly, you'll tease smiles from otherwise sorrowful faces.

That's the greatest gift of all.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I hope to always carry this spirit around with me.

Goofy-ness, adventurousness, random-ness.
Pretty much a lot of -ness's.

Don't mind me if I do back flips at a formal dinner or sing during a silent moment at church.

Throw away your dignity, you will be so much happier without it.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I wrote this for you.
We love you.
<3 Kinny

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


All I've wanted to do is sing.

I show up to Anatomy lab sometimes with drum sticks still in hand,
Make random percussive noises in the walkways,
Jam with friends for hours on end,
Yes, I even dance in my room.

Something about music is so intrinsic to my soul.
It's like my drug.
Especially when I sing to God.

Perform once and the hunger comes back.
Stronger, stronger!
Until every part of me just...releases.

So glorifying, so catalytic.

Come away with me.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I miss my puppy.

Can't wait to have that house full of cats, dogs, and kids that I've always dreamt of.

And I want to sing. Somewhere. With a band. Or whatever. If anyone at the Burg is game, let's do it.

Today is a random day, did ya get that? ;)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Don't feel so alone

People love you.
Don't mind those who don't.

It's not your fault.

Sometimes I wish I could take it all away,
but nothing seems to help.

Come curl up in warmth;
you can tell me.

I just hate seeing you like this.

Names, names, names

So many of you know I love, love, LOVE names.

I have kept a running list of names for my future children since I was 12. No joke.
(Isabella was my top girl name, that ended up being used on my lovely poochie, Zoie Isabella).


New year, new list.
Or at least a revised one.

Lyla Kate
Everley nickname Eve


And if I ever adopted from Africa and had a child who could pull it off, I'd have either a Kasinda or Malachi :)


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Believe in callings

They are real.

Not long ago, I would have laughed at anyone who said certain people were made to do certain things, that they were called by God.

No longer; I believe.

I am here to teach. To impACT lives. To help & mother in any way that I can. To work through health care, through missions, through music.

Maybe at some point do something out of the ordinary.
Minister in a third-world country.
Adopt an African child.
Sing in a traveling band.
You never know.

By using my voice,
my heart,
my hands.

Of course I have fear.
Of course sometimes I don't think I am good enough.
Of course sometimes I think it's too far-fetched.
Too expensive, too lengthy.
I do know the limits, of course. I've got my head on straight.

But don't we all wish we could fly?

Here's a secret:
We all have crazy dreams.
The people that have the courage to follow them are the ones that everyone else envies.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let's get lost

I don't care where.

Although someplace warm would be nice.
Let's be missionaries in Africa,
Or South America...
Or Ireland :)

Relinquish your belongings, as Jesus once spoke of.

Where has our sense of adventure gone? I never want to lose it.

Grab your suitcase.

(BTW, I am a brand new Religion Major. Yee!)