Thursday, February 28, 2013

Here's to Love

To life. To hope. To peace.

Pain lasts only a while. When you find the source of the pain, your whole life changes for the better. 

I had lost all hope. Hope in humanity. Hope in the ability of people to give selflessly. I know I hurt so many people, and it was in retaliation to the hurt I had inside.

Hurt that comes from never feeling unconditionally loved by anyone other than my Jesus. Being mad at God. Feeling totally drained. Feeling attacked. Feeling like my own friends were never willing to sacrifice for me what I was willing to sacrifice for strangers. Feeling like I could never even ASK for what I needed. And not wanting to look 'high and mighty' for thinking these things. But they were/are real. And once I could verbalize them, I realized that there really ARE people out there willing to go the distance. People who love to serve and love and KNOW that they might get hurt along the way, but serve anyway. People that I understand, and people that love me right back.

strangers that literally loved me SO MUCH, so tightly, that I had no choice but to heal...even when I wanted to run away.

Faith moves mountains....

I hurt so many people. And I'm sorry.

But when you give, you do eventually get back. I am so blessed!!!

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